Sunday, April 26, 2009

That was then, This is now

That was Then, This is Now
Auther: S.E. Hintin

This book was written by the same author who wrote The Outsiders. It is about a boy named Bryon who is a pool huslure and runs with the wrong crowd. It has some of the old characters from The Outsiders such as the shepperd gang and Ponyboy, Curtis. Although they aren't talked about alot though. Bryon faces a problem when he finds himself growing up and changing while his closest friend Mark wants to stay the same. It deals not so much with gangs this time but has to do with more Bryon's personal life.

I personally think that the book was good in the beginning. But as I read the book I found the the book got worse not better. There was no real plotline (not much was happening), until the end and that got resolved within the next 40 pages. Yes the book did give a really good discription of Bryon and his feelings, but there wasn't enough action to keep me interested for more than 10 pages. It took me 5 days to read this book and it wa only 158 pages. So if you know me that really says somthing because i usually read at least 50 pages an hour if the book is good. Personally i think he did a better job with the Outsiders. and should have used a little more action.
-Book Worm


  1. That is different, because I'm reading the Outsiders for a school progect. I will give my post when I'm done(Who knows when that will be).

  2. You spelled the author's name wrong (Hinton), so I didn't bother reading this undoubtedly terrible review.
